I wrote 2,766 this week! It was a good week. The words were relatively easy to incorporate, though gubernatorial threw me for a loop. It was easier than I thought, considering I was able to use it exactly like the word presidential, but considering state governors instead.
It was an interesting week. Warmonger allowed for some more world building on Qwortar. There’s a lot to lean into there and I’m looking forward to it. I’ll have to see what comes up in later weeks.
Let’s see what is coming up this week!
May 2nd: raw
May 3rd: scalp
May 4th: Uranus
May 5th: wart
May 6th: toad
May 7th/8th: mucus
This is going to be a fun week! The words aren’t complicated, I know them all, and they should be easy enough.
