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Week 16 Recap and Week 17 Preview


I wrote 2,815 words this week! Things went pretty smoothly. Lugubrious was a weird one to write, really I had a hard time determining what I wanted the word to describe. While working through these this week, I’ve been seeing various ways to fit the pieces together. And seeing possible plot holes. I’d have to deal with when trying to tie all these pieces together.

Maggot was also fun to write. And yes, maggot cheese exists and I just had to include a mention of it when I saw the word this week. May next week be as fun.



Well let’s see what I have in store for me this week!

April 25th: ointment

April 26th: splog

April 27th: penetrate

April 28th: gubernatorial

April 29th: sleet

April 30th/May 1st: warmonger

I’ll learn two new words this week, splog and gubernatorial. Splog is new and niche enough my spellcheck keeps telling me it is wrong. Gubernatorial is… another word related to politics. (A subject in general I would put in a list of words or topics I don’t particularly care for.) I agree it is an ugly word, including the phonetics, but it is going to be a challenge to fit it in this writing experiment.

But a challenge is what I’m here for, so bring it on week 17!

A pink quill with a line trailing behind it. Underneath the quill is "AllisonWrote" written in blue.

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