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Ugly Words Challenge Week One: Preview

Writer's picture: AllisonAllison

January 2022 is just around the corner, and with that, my little writing challenge is about to kick off!

Curious about the kinds of words the creators of the calendar thought were ugly? Me too. Since I'll have six words a week, I think on Sundays I'll have a recap and preview post to the week ahead. With limited time in the day, having the words in the back of my mind will certainly help me be able to produce the flash fiction daily.

Without further ado, let's take a peek at the first week of UGLY WORDS!

January 1st/2nd: acrid

January 3rd: backwash

January 4th: chump

January 5th: debt

January 6th: gassy

January 7th: jaundice

I think the hardest words for this week are going to be jaundice and debt. Jaundice isn't a word that comes up a lot except in specific scenarios, which I could default to, but I don't necessarily want to. And debt just feels worlds away from the problem I left John, Emily, and Skylar in. I guess I'll just have to see what I come up with.

The AllisonWrote Logo. A pink quill over "AllisonWrote"

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