This week I wrote 2,796 words. It wasn’t too bad of a week. Groin and drudgery were fun stories to write. Chunky was also fun, once I got a good idea.
No strange or new words this week, though I am reminded the subjectivity of the word ‘ugly’. For the creators of this calendar, they argue making the ‘al’ sound in balm is ugly. And having to use a calculator is ‘ugly’, though with all my troubles with math I find it hard to argue with that one. efer to the Qwortarians in some way. And then I started it later than normal, so that didn’t help matters. But I’m happy with the little side story I came up with. I structured it similar to a bedtime story because I was afraid structuring it any other way would be hard to fit in my word count climit.
Queef was interesting… Not a word I ever thought I’d actually use in writing, but I like the embarrassing story I created around the word.
All in all it wasn’t a bad week.
And let’s see what we have in store for next week.
February 21st: crock
February 22nd: bunion
February 23rd: actually
February 24th: balm
February 25th: calculator
February 26th/27th: dank
No strange or new words this week, though I am reminded the subjectivity of the word ‘ugly’. For the creators of this character, they argue making the ‘al’ sound in balm is ugly. And having to use a calculator is ‘ugly’, though with all my troubles with math I find it hard to argue with that one.
The way they describe ‘actually’ being used by a smarty pants correcting people was funny to read, and at least makes some sense about why it made it onto a list of ugly words.
I think it will be a fun week.