Fester… was the weird one. I’m not sure I really liked the way Lucky used it in the story now, but it was used in character. The story for cankle feels a little truncated, but I didn’t have as much time as I usually do on Saturday. It opens up some really fun possibilities though, so I do like it for that reason.
All in all, it was a fun week.
And let’s take a look at next week’s words.
March 28th: gerrymander
March 29th: hogwash
March 30th: latrine
March 31st: tentacle
April 1st: bosom
April 2nd/3rd: grub
Well then. Tentacle will be really easy, since I’ve used it so many times already. On the bright side, it is going to really open for whatever story I want to write that day. Haha.
Bosom. According to the calendar, they put it on the ugly list because of how you are supposed to pronounce it- boo-zum. And that is not how I was saying bosom in my head. So, while the word wasn’t unfamiliar, I still learned something new!
Also, missed opportunity in using it within the cankle story, but onward!
